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Matters needing attention in the use of stainless steel wire rope

Dec 21, 2023

1. lt is strictly forbidden to use the new stainless steel wire rope directly at high speed and heavy load:The new stainless steel wire ope should not be used directy under hioh speed and heayy load immedately, but should be run for a perod of tme under loy soeed andmedium load conditions. Wire ropes must go through an initial run-in stage before high-speed and heavy-duty operations

2. It is strictly forbidden to skip the stainless steel wire rope:When the stainles stee wre rope is used in conunction with the puley,.care must be taken to prevent the wire rope from umping out of the puley groove. If the wirerope continues to be used after faling of the wheel groove, the wire rope wil be squeezed, kinked. broken, and broken, which wil serously shorten the service life of thewire rope. lf the rope breaks, it will often bring catastrophic consequences

3. lt is strictly forbidden to squeeze and deform the stainless steel wire ropeThe stainless steel wire rope should not be strondly squeezed during use. so as to avoid the deformaton of the wire rope, resulting in structural damage and eary wirebreakage the britle laver of martensite wil appear on the surface of the steel wre at this fime), broken strands or even broken roes, which sionicantly reduces the wire rope. service life and jeopardize operational safety

4. lt is strictly forbidden to rub the stainless steel wire rope with other objects when running at high speed:When the stainless steel wire rope is running at high speed, tshould avoid friction wth other obiects outside the non-matching whee grove. Because at high speed.theinstantaneous frictional heat generated when the steel wire rope and these objects run against each other can lead to the appearance of martensitic structure on thesuriace of the stee wire Ahouoh this change in structure cannot be idenffed by the naked eve. it can cause eariv fracture of the stee wire. main reason

5. It is strictly forbidden to wind the stainless steel wire rope randomly:When the stainless steel wr rone is wound on the reel. i should be aranoed as neatiy as ossible, if t is scatered and wound. the wre roe wil aso be damaoed dueio mutual extrusion during operation. resulting in early wire breakage. which directly affects the service life of the wire rope.

6. It is strictly forbidden to overload the stainless steel wire ropef the stainless stee wre rone is oeroaded. t wil rapidly increase the deoree of extrusion deformation, the deoree of wear between the inner steel wire and the outersteel wire and the matching whee1 oroove. hich wil bring serious harm to the safetv of the operation and shorten the service ife of the pulev

7. lt is strictly forbidden for the stainless steel wire rope to be subjected to severe shock and vibration.Durng the use of stainiess stee wre rope, if the running speed changes rapidly and frequenty, t wl cause shock load. Athough each impactis oniy oadedinstantaneously it contains oret harm.When the moact load exceeds the alowable working stress of the wire rope. the roe breakaoe wil occur. Even ifthe shock loaddoes not necessariy cause the wire oe to break mutiole shocks wi serousiy shorten the service life of the wire rone, For wire ropes that have been in use for a whiecompared to new ropes. the impact resistance will be lower due to less stretch